
Letter to the industry

26 November 2020

2 min read

Letter to the industry

26 November 2020

2 min read

When one expects an asteroid to finish off this year, it is clear that it hasn’t been a very pleasing one. 2020 has turned all our lives and businesses upside down and the effects of this will be felt for many years to come. Most of our plans for this year had to be canned, postponed to better times or adjusted to cope with remote working and online meetings. But it has been impressive how fast we could adapt to the new reality.

From a highly successful series of webinars to the relaunch of our newsletter and the establishment of our YouTube Channel: we have been busier than ever to increase and transform the output of our association in support of our members and the stakeholders outside. Eurovent Middle East has been among the first professional organisations to publish guidelines and recommendations related to the pandemic.

We published a Position Paper to include HVACR in the list of essential businesses, called on regulatory bodies to extend product certificates and delay implementation of new regulations and were happy to see our requests answered. And we are now releasing another Position Paper calling for incentivised retrofits which focus on building ventilation and air filtration.

If we learned anything this year, then it’s the dependency of everyone on safe building environments, to sustain our economy, our jobs, our lives. And this means, that we depend on the people and products needed to create our built environment. We all have to recognize the great responsibility we have in adhering to highest standards and integrity, or else the price we pay is huge. While each individual can and must make a difference, it is the collective initiative and effort which will bring about the biggest impact.

Eurovent Middle East has been built on the foundation of a number of manufacturers, who share this idea. To create a positive impact in the region through cooperation and pooling resources. It is with great pleasure to see how our working groups have stepped up the game over time and provide focused and tangible results. We are only a small step away from a major announcement, which will bring tangible benefits to the region’s market and people. Subscribe to our newsletter and YouTube channel and follow us on LinkedIn, so you don’t miss out!

On behalf of our members, thank you for your interest!

Markus Lattner
Managing Director
Eurovent Middle East


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