
First HVACR Leadership Academy course concludes with certification ceremony

28 November 2023

3 min read

First HVACR Leadership Academy course concludes with certification ceremony

28 November 2023

3 min read

Eurovent Middle East successfully completed the first course of its recently introduced HVACR Leadership Academy. 160 registrants from 28 countries had initially signed up for the Air Handling Units (AHU) Specialisation course, comprising 9 online modules. Around 60 attendees qualified for the course certificate, with more to follow over the course of the coming weeks.

To receive the certificate, participants had to attend or at least watch the recordings of all nine modules and pass a short test after each module, to prove their understanding and learning progress. The course, presented by a total of 16 speakers from 14 member companies consisted of nine modules covering fundamentals, configuration, quality criteria, and hygienic aspects of AHUs, as well as filters, fans, drives and motors, energy recovery, humidification, controls, and certification.

It concluded with a well-received interactive discussion on specifications, where the speakers discussed with the audience real specification examples, showcasing flaws, and suggesting better solutions. Most common mistakes, like referencing a mix of standards, contradictory requirements, or copying from the distant past, demonstrated by referencing a 30-year-old industry recommendation, have been jointly debated with the audience, which actively engaged in this discussion with an excellent set of questions.

The overwhelming interest in this course, manifested by 160 registrations, proves that the academy initiative caters for a big void. It was to be expected that from this initial high number, many would not attend or complete the course, given that it ran over the period of 5 weeks, with two online sessions of 90 minutes each. Yet, attendance was exceptionally stable throughout with an average attendance of more than 80 people per module.

While a detailed analysis is yet to be done, the initial impressions and key take aways for Eurovent Middle East and its members are very promising. First, the demand for this kind of course content is high. While many manufacturers approach consultants and try to convince them of their own products and solutions, a neutral platform with a high credibility, focusing on the understanding of technology, has long been missing.

After all, many manufacturers face issues with erroneous and contradictory specifications. Efficiency aspects aside, better understanding of how to calculate, select and specify equipment will lead to a fairer competition and ultimately benefit customer and manufacturers alike. Therefore, this approach was highly welcomed by contributing members.

Another real highlight of the course has been the last module on specifications. This joint approach allows our members to address mistakes made in the field by consultants without having to fear negative repercussions. The attendance rate in this module showed, that the subject matter was of great interest and that the key learning points were significant. Which directly leads to the third key take away for the association.

The presentations, while all subject matters were very well addressed, need to be evaluated from a didactical point of view. More practical examples of failures and rectifications to showcase the effects of specifications on the project outcome may prove most beneficial in raising the understanding and capabilities of engineers to formulate specifications to higher efficiency results.

With more than 40 national, regional, and international press clippings with a combined PR value of more than 600.000 EUR, the launch created an immense visibility for the cause of capacity building, and the strong feedback from government representatives and industry just underlines the importance of education, and sadly the big void there is of proper offerings.

Eurovent Middle East has been invited by UNEP to partner for a side event during COP28 focusing on the need for qualifications and certification. Lower emissions will only be possible if everyone in the value chain, from manufacturers to consultants, from installers to the service personnel are trained, skilled and educated to act responsibly.

There has been enough calls and complaints raised in conferences and meetings over the years. It is time to act. Eurovent Middle East and its members have taken up this responsibility and took initiative to finally bring change about. Thanks to its members, and thanks to its collaborative approach.

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