Press Release

Eurovent Middle East to host live panel discussion on human resources in HVACR

15 June 2021

2 min read
Press Release

Eurovent Middle East to host live panel discussion on human resources in HVACR

15 June 2021

2 min read

Dubai, 16 June 2021. As part of the World Refrigeration Day campaign, Eurovent Middle East is hosting a webinar dedicated to human resources in the HVACR industry. The webinar is organised in cooperation with and Climate Control Middle East and will be hosted in a live panel discussion format. It will take place on Thursday, 24 June 2021 from 11:00eurovent-market-intelligence/news/eurovent-market-intelligence/-12:30h (GST) and will feature experts from the HVACR industry and recruitment sectors.

The theme of the 2021 World Refrigeration Day (WRD) is ‘Cooling Champions: Cool Careers for a Better World’. The campaign will focus on careers in the refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pumps industry and its goal is to inspire students and young professionals, both men and women, globally, encouraging them to meet the challenges faced in their communities.

Eurovent Middle East will join this year’s WRD campaign with its own event focused on aspects of human resources in the HVACR industry in the Middle East. It will feature professionals from the industry and recruitment sector and address skill requirements, the availability of industry-specific education, imbalances in salaries and empowering women in technical professions.

Discussion topics include:

  • What are the benefits of working in the HVACR industry?
  • Working in the industry: What skill sets, levels and educational backgrounds are required?
  • Why are there such big imbalances between technical and sales positions?
  • ‘Pay peanuts, get monkeys’: Is the region losing out on great talent?
  • Does the region offer enough education and incentives to take HVACR jobs?

Join us online on Thursday, 24 June 2021 from 11:00h (GST) for an informative exchange in form of an interactive live panel discussion. Registration is free of charge via this link.

Related documents and links

All related documents and files can be found in the respective sections in the right sidebar.

  • Eurovent Middle East logo files
  • Press images
  • Webinar flyer
  • PDF version of the Press Release


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